FAQs and Testimonials
The Siskiyou Family YMCA honors the National Reciprocity Membership, which enables you to visit any participating YMCA in the United States through your membership at your “home” YMCA, at no additional cost. Be sure to check that the YMCA you plan on visiting participates in this program as well, and please know that there is a limited amount of visits per month allowed, according to each facility’s individual policy.
The YMCA is the leading 501(c)3 nonprofit committed to strengthening and helping the community by connecting all people to their potential, purpose and each other. Working locally, our Y focuses on empowering young people, improving health and well-being, and building community. Thank you to all the valued donors, funders, and community members who help make the YMCA possible!
Members are welcome to bring a guest with them to the YMCA, although there is a limit. Monthly members have 2 guest passes per month, semi-annual members have 12 every 6 months, and annual members have 24 per year. These guest passes do not roll over.
Yes we do! Locker rentals are $10 per month for adults, and $5 for seniors. We also have day-use lockers that are free. Our Front Desk Staff will assist you in locking the day lockers, and will unlock it for you when you are done.
If you want to cancel your membership, we will need at least a 30-day notice from your next billing cycle. Please visit the facility and fill out a cancellation form.
At the Siskiyou Family YMCA, no one will be denied membership or program participation based solely on an inability to pay fees, subject to the YMCA’s available resources. Financial Assistance Applications are available to all. Persons needing assistance are encouraged to contact any Siskiyou Family YMCA staff member. All application information will be kept confidential.
View more information at: NEW-FA-application-2023.pdf (siskiyouymca.org)
You can place a hold on your account for up to 3 months. You will have to come into the facility and fill out our “Hold Form”. After the 3 months is up, your membership will automatically resume.
There are many things that you can do even if you have certain physical restrictions! We have multiple fitness classes that are low impact, such as “Sit & Be Fit”, and “Chair Strength and Stretching”. These classes are done mostly while sitting, and our fitness instructors are willing to assist with modifications of moves if needed. You can also schedule training sessions with our Personal Trainers, who will assist you in creating a workout routine that fits your physical needs. Additionally, we have multiple ADA-compliant machines in our weight room. We are also adding an ADA-compliant swing on our upcoming playground!
At this time, we do not allow non-members to access our showers.
Our Testimonials

Sherry Smith
“I finally felt ready to join the YMCA last year, after being in 3 major vehicle accidents that left me with severe injuries”
Sherry Smith
The bottom line is that last year I finally felt ready to join the YMCA at age 69, to go to the next level. My body was so stiff from lack of really moving, that all movements were uncomfortable. I would grunt and groan as I moved about. My mind felt like it had sludge in it from not having good daily circulation.
The phenomenal yoga teachers at the Y were so welcoming, and good at what they do, that I didn’t feel awkward with my movements and slowness. Many other students deal some kind of physical issue, so I was not alone. We are reminded by our teachers that if any of the movements are unattainable, then we are to modify, modify, modify our movements. And they teach us how to do that.
I’m 70 years old this year, and I am ecstatic as now I can move smoothly again, through yoga, although I’m still a beat or two slower. I’ll always have some pain and a little vertigo, but that’s ok. A surprise bonus is that the sludge has moved out of my brain and I can think quicker now. A while back a friend asked how I can get out and do the things I do with my prior injuries. I responded that I go do what I want, and take the pain I still have with me. Now that’s my daily mantra. And thanks to YMCA, I am accomplishing just that.
Get out, join the Y and live your life. And always remember, ice is your friend :)”

Gretta Brown
“I came to the YMCA two years ago, in need of professional help.”
Gretta Brown

Stacey McKagan
“I needed to get stronger and back in shape not only for me, but to safely transfer my son and his chair for daily activities.”
Stacey McKagan

Mark and Sue Freudenberg
“We’ve been members of the Siskiyou Family YMCA since its inception…”